Sunday, September 21, 2008

My travel to Germany

Hello everyone, Cornelia Mengmeng Brandstetter is going to Germany! After weeks of preparation, on Wednesday September 17th, 2008 we are on our way to Germany. Mommy and Daddy are kind of nervous. I guess it has something to do with me. Mommy likes to plan ahead, so she told us when to get up, when to leave the house and how we should arrange the check in.

Everyone followed her order and did exactly according to her schedule. Things worked pretty well. We checked in, had lunch and we said goodbye to Dajiu, Dajiu ma, and Laoye. When we approached the security area, we got a special treatment. We didn't even have to wait in line. Of course daddy had to step out of order again by leaving his boarding pass with his carryon luggage. That got mommy some comments from the TSA guards in regards to how she educated her husband...

My first flight from Tampa to Charlotte was already very exciting for me. I'm usually more the shy type, but with those many new faces around me I couldn't hold back on me any more - I had to study all of them. And they studied me. But the second flight was just amazing: We flew from Charlotte to Munich with Lufthansa, and daddy said he got a bed for me. I didn't believe it. But guess what - I got one! Instead of sitting on mommy's lap for the whole flight, I had my own little bed hanging on the wall right in front of mommy and Lao Lao, and there were plenty of other babies around me that I could talk to. I especially liked Abigail from South Carolina: she is 2 weeks younger than I am, but even taller (hey, how often do you meet as a 97% girl one that is taller than you are?). Her daddy is German, too, and it was also her second trip to Germany after the first one in her mommy's belly. We had fun on the flight! It was over way to soon.

When we arrived in Germany we were half an hour early. Pucki Opa and uncle Ani were nowhere in sight when we got through the gates of the customs officers. So we had to wait. I was not sure what we waited for, since I did not know them, but mommy and daddy said that it's important I meet them. And then they came - with two big bouquets of flowers in the arms. They said that those are for mommy and lao lao, but I knew that they were actually for me! I'm the cute one here! Opa and uncle took our luggage, and daddy got us a rental car that looked like a smaller version of the one we have at home. Only the car seat he got for me is not so great... mommy was concerned I might get sick of it, because it's kind of dirty. Anyway, I can't tell you anymore of my journey, because for me it ended there once I hit the pillow of the seat - I just can't remember anything else after that. What I have seen in Germany so far I will tell you tomorrow!

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