Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I wish my mommy would do this for me sooner!

Hi everyone,

I'm Cornelia Mengmeng Brandstetter aka. Connie, Mengmeng, Connie-nie, Niebaobao, Mengbaobao...... Who knows how many names I will get. I was born on March 1st, 2008. I didnt' want to come out on Feb. 29th and have my birthday every 4 years (NO WAY!) As soon as I came out of Mommy's tummy, I couldn't wait to see how my mommy, daddy, grandma(laolao), and grandpa(laoye) looks like. I had my eyes wide open and look around and around.... I was born with 6Lbs10oz, and 19in long. Everyone says I'm the perfect baby(I think so, too). I got a lot of kisses from everyone and they can't wait to hold me.

For the next 24 hours I have been sleeping like a baby!

The doctor came the next morning and told my mommy we can go home. oh-yea!!! I can't wait. I heard I got a lots of good stuff waiting for me at home. From a very nice (expensive) crib to toys that oma send me to those nice cloth my great grandma(tai laolao) sent me from China. I think mommy and daddy even bought a very expensive car with DVD just for me. Can you imagine to watch my favorite Micky Mouse DVD in the car? How cool is that? I can't wait!

At 7pm, we got home. Daddy took me inside and put me into my crib. I was very cozy and comfy. I think I like this home. Life is just going to be great!!!!

1 comment:

钟良 said...

I am moved.
Cannot wait for my baby coming.