Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm a big girl now!

On Friday afternoon, Mommy, Daddy, and Laolao took me to see Dr. Trubelhorn for my 6 month well baby. I'm a "very well" baby I think. I'm 17lbs 11.04 oz, which is 77 percentile in weight and 27.5 inches tall, which translates to 94 percentile in height. I guess I'm going to be a tall girl. Dr. Trubelhorn gave Mommy permission to give me more food choices. Now I can have lumpier food, little cereal puffs, and even yogurt can be added as part of my diet. Yummy yummy! Dr. Trubelhorn also told Laolao not to feed me at the middle of the night anymore. She said I should be able to sleep the whole night. Hmmmm… I don't like that idea. I guess I have to "dream" about my milk until the morning...... We also told the doctor we are going to Germany this week, and she was very happy for me. She asked how long are we going to be there. We told her just a week. She said, "You are making this big deal to travel just for a week?" Daddy to her, "No, we are making this big deal just for her grandparents..." haha... I think daddy is a very funny guy. Unfortunately, what followed then, was the not so good part of the visit: my third sequence of shots against... I'm not really sure. But I can tell you: it hurts! At least the four needles that were poked into my leg. And when they cut my foot. Well, that one did not really hurt, but there was that red stuff coming out of my foot, and I did not really like that. But now I'm ok. And I'm really looking forward to meet my oma, opa and uncle Ani on Wednesday. No, Mommy said I'll see them Thursday. Has something to do with the clock. I don't get it completely. But stay tuned for my journey to Germany....

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